Book Review: 365 Science Experiments

Date: April 28, 2020
Tags: Science, Experiments, Hinkler

A Book Filled With Easy Experiments

You might think that you can find kids science experiments online these days, and there is no need for any books. This is true, but recently we got our hands on 365 Science Experiments, this book is packed with science experiments, and I think it is easier to find experiments in this book than online.

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Overview: 365 Science Experiments

As the name suggests, this book contains 365 science experiments for kids. They indicate the age range of 4 to 11 years of age.

This book is straightforward to use. If you have this book lying around the house, we think it will encourage parents to do more science experiments with their kids. Which will not only educate them, but it will be fun too—a great way to spend time with your kids.

The book is split up into sections and covers all sorts of disciplines. You will be making volcanoes, bubbles and robot arms before you know it. While this book seems to be marketed as 'Science' experiments, we think it is much more. It certainly features other STEM areas like engineering and technology—a great all-round STEM education book.

Using This Experiments Book

This book is easy to use. Each experiment is easy to read, and you can quickly tell what you should expect.

Legend and Key

Here is the legend at the front of the book, and as you can see, there are image icons on each experiment that indicate things like: Adult Supervision and Indoors or Outdoors. This makes it easy to decide on an experiment without having to read the whole thing.

How To Use

There is a small guide at the front of this book on how to use the book. They suggest your child uses a scrapbook when doing the experiments. It is great advice. Here are their exact words:

Clues for use of this workbook:

These experiments will be of interest to children aged from four to twelve years.

Provide your child with a scrapbook and encourage recording of the results of the experiments in words or drawings - or both. They can be creative and decorate their work. Pay attention to your child's suggestions about how the experiments might be used or improved to add to their understanding of the concepts introduced.

There is an experiment log provided at the beginning of each section. Use this to keep a record of which experiments your child has completed. There are also some handy notes pages at the end which your child can use to record important information.

With your help, digital pictures can aid your child's observations (digital cameras are easy to use even for younger children, but your help will be needed to download and print the pictures).

These fun activities lay the foundations for good scientific practice. They will stimulate imagination and investigation, and will strengthen your child's interest in the world, and universe, around them.

Our Review/Opinion

There is no doubt that this is a fantastic book. We will undoubtedly be doing experiments from this book.

The only thing we didn't like about the book was a lack of picture instructions. Each experiment has a picture, but the picture is usually just a related cartoon, not necessarily a picture of the experiment. This made some of the experiments a little harder to do.

There was plenty to love though; 90% of the experiments are really easy to do, and you can use things you have around the house usually. The key and legend are handy to have and makes it easy to pick experiments.

We give 365 Science Experiments by Hinkler Books a 4 out of 5.